ELIZABETH TURNER is a 1994 graduate of the University of Washington School of Law. Her successful solo practice focused on family law, elder law (including complex guardianships, trusts, and litigation), and civil litigation. She also served for many years as a judge and commissioner pro tem. In April 2003 Ms. Turner began serving as Disciplinary Counsel for the Washington State Bar Association on a part-time and contract basis, and in November 2007 she joined the WSBA full-time staff as Assistant General Counsel. In January 2014 Ms. Turner left the WSBA and returned to private practice, and is now Of Counsel with the Port Gardner Law Group in Everett, Washington.
Ms. Turner no longer represents clients, and limits her practice to serving as mediator and arbitrator, providing facilitative and evaluative mediation. She is the author of Rules Practice (Washington Practice Volumes 2-4B, various editions), Family and Community Property Law (Washington Practice Volumes 19-21), and the Family & Community Property Law Handbooks (Washington Practice Volumes 22 & 22A). She also co-authors the Evidence volumes (Washington Practice Volumes 5-5C), and the Courtroom Handbook on Washington Evidence (Washington Practice Volume 5D), with Karl B. Tegland.
Mediation Process
Most mediations are “shuttle mediations,” where the parties are separated through the entirety of the mediation. During mediation, Elizabeth utilizes a combination of facilitative and evaluative approaches. Mediation is generally most successful if the parties feel they are on as “even levels” as possible during the mediation session, and having non-parties present during mediations can oftentimes make the session less productive. It is therefore our general policy not to have non-parties or support persons present during mediation absent prior agreement.